Saturday 17 October 2015

Baby - present from Heaven.

A friend just received present from the Heaven, he is premature but very much healthy, and I am gladly taking the photos. Congratulations, welcome to the earth. :)

Congrats Muchlas & Widya. God bless.

For photography works, please contact via SMS/hp/WA to: +628 525 646 2000

Sunday 7 June 2015

Excelsia Singers, celebration for 15 years ministries

Taking photography for musical is very challenging, especially when you are not allowed to use flash light. And this mean a good camera body and stunning lenses necessary.  But sure, the man behind the gun always take most percentage of the result. The right aim to the moment and the feeling with any light possible and limited gears will be the one that matter most.

I hope you can enjoy this photo shots, and if you looking for photographer for your occasions, don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you, success.

Chapter 1 Rehearsal.

One day Before

The day

Another shots from teammates 

Thank you.

God bless........

For photography works
Please contact me
Via SMS/WA/Call: +62 8525 646 2000